Friday, September 28, 2007

I had never heard of him before

But I like him.

I think a Thompson/Cox ticket could be just the thing we are looking for. Fred, if you are reading this..(yeah right, nobody is reading this) Call this man up and see if he will accept a nod for VPOTUS.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Man I wish this site allowed comments.

After years of saying that black rifles are the root of all evil.

The so called "Gun Guys" take humbrage at another color.

You can't make this stuff up people.

I wish everyone who I had to poke fun at made it this easy.

I want in when the casino is built

Welcome to The People of the Gun. Courtesy of Alpecca.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Compromise Pt.2

Nothing on the first list should be given up, Nothing on the second list should be acceptable.

So why then have all of these* been implemented at one time or another?

Why does it seem that so many people restrict their comments to online forums, blogs, ranting in pubs, gripeing on the firing line?

It is time, past time even.

Join NRA, GOA, JPFO, State level firearm owners associations.

Write your Senator, Representative, Governor, Mayor, Police Chief, Sheriff, School board member, and anyone else you vote for. Let them know that if they do not take a strong pro-2A stance, that they will never get another vote from you. If they are directly elected officals (i.e. other than POTUS) remind them of how many elections over the years have been decided by one vote.

And to those of you who compromised. Take this to heart: Every time an anti has offered a compromise and it has been accepted, there has been no "give", all take.

Thus endeth the object lesson of the day.

*I know there has been no *Federal* firearms registry, but there are quite a few at the state level.

These were originally posted on the forums at TheFiringLine. If you've never been there, it's a pretty good place to waste company time visit.

Monday, September 17, 2007


One of the biggest gripes between pro and anti gunners (other than the obvious), is that neither side will compromise. Well, here is your chance.

Hypothetically it has been determined that the two lists will be combined into the next gun law. To accomplish this combining, three items must be picked from each list by each lawmaker with the top three being used in the law. Choose wisely.

My choices will be revealed in a later post.

List A: Pro-Gun

1. No Permit Carry (Concealed and Open)
2. Abolish the NICS Check (But keep the 4473)
3. Allow for non-violent felons to restore their rights
4. Abolish "Safe Storage" requirements
5. National Concealed Carry Permit
6. Redact NFA restrictions (Class 3 Items)

List B: Anti-Gun

1. National Firearms Registry
2. Ban on Handguns
3. Ban on Hi-Cap (10 round) Magazines
4. Mandatory 15 day waiting period on all firearms purchases
5. Assault Weapon Ban
6. .50BMG ban

These are the only items that can be chosen from, and two and only two from each list may be chosen.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In Memoriam

Lest we forget

They've said it all.
And to borrow a quote from Kim:

"If you will excuse me, I'm off to the range."

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Osama's New Video

I am not going to post excerpts here, but here are the one that the Associated Press found to be most interesting.

Is it just me or is he starting to sound alot like a Democratic Presidential Candidate?

Think about it.

Bush Bashing?

War in Iraq is bad?

Capitalism is the cause of our evilness? (i.e. War for oil)

Most Americans oppose the war?

Scary isn't it...

When International public enemy number one could speak with any of the current crop of Dems without arguing, maybe its time to reconsider whether or not we as a nation really want them at the helm.

I Know I Don't.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Fred Thompson


I have been waiting for this since I first heard of his supposed intentions to run. Now it is time to further build support. I truly think that Mr. Thompson is the best candidate for starting the return of this country to a small, fiscally and socially conservative, Constitutional Government. Here are a couple more links to Fred's campaign:

Friends of Fred
Draft Fred
Official Store

Go there. Learn the man. Vote accordingly.

Mrs. Brady? Is that you?

Here is something that just got my knickers in a wad this morning.

Hunters and Shooters

Hunters and shooters? Pshaw (and other strong language)

These people are about as 2A friendly as the Hildabeast.

Don't believe me? Go there, then click on the "Gun Rights" tab. You will see such jewels as:

AHSA believes the FBI should be given reasonable access to National Instant Check System (NICS) purchase records to insure terrorists and other prohibited individuals do not have access to firearms.

And also so they know where to go first when it is finally confiscation time.

AHSA supports requiring all transfers of firearms at gun shows to be subject to all federal, state and local laws and regulations currently applicable to federally licensed firearm dealers including the conducting of the instant background check on purchasers.

(Emphasis Mine)

No sir, you can not set up at the gun show and sell a couple of rifles. What's next, I can't sell to my neighbor without calling the sheriff and the local Feeb office to make sure that he never stole a chicken

AHSA supports legislative efforts to regulate .50 caliber BMG sniper rifles in the same manner as machine guns are regulated under the provisions of the National Firearms Act of 1934.

This one is the kicker folks. This shows where they truly lie on the side of gun rights. Using the emotionally charged word "sniper". I don't think I really need to say anymore than I have about this.

Hunters and shooters? I really think you need to reconsider that name....


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

New Pistol

Llama Max-I .45 ACP

Now, before you start in on me telling me how this isn't a "real" 1911, let me remind you: NEITHER IS A KIMBER OR WILSON COMBAT!!

Unless it is made by Colt, all you can say is you have a 1911 clone. This one looks the same, handles the same, has the same manual of a matter of fact the only difference I have found is that the screw holes on the grips do not line up the same as on most other clones.

Range Report:

150 rounds
FTFire 0
FTFeed 3
Best 15 round group - approx 6 inches
Distance of target - 20 meters

All of the failure to feeds occurred with the last round in the magazine. This happened with both the factory mag and McCormick mag I bought the same day I purchased the pistol. I believe this to be an issue with both the recoil spring being slightly too light, and with the feed ramp needing a polish. I will update after both of these have been fixed.

Now for the kicker: purchase price. $250. Used (of course).

This little beauty looked up at me from the case at one of my local shops, smiled and said, "You don't really want that new scope instead of little ol' me, do you?"

Of course not.

After a disassembly and careful examination of her internals, I did the requisite paperwork (thank you federal government *spit*) and she was mine.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Guns, Guns and More Guns

I got asked today why it is that I will go for a week or two with only Ramen noodles for lunch just to be able to buy a new rifle or pistol. (Mainly rifles, I am from the school of "My pistol holds 10 rounds to enable me time to reach my rifle or shotgun".)

My answer is this:

Everytime I buy a firearm, I am asserting the fact that I am a free man.

Think about that.



Think about it.

There is nothing freer than a person who is holding a firearm. And I don't mean that in the "I can just shoot them if they try to make me unfree" sense. A responsible person with a firearm has the freedom to provide for themselves in a way that no other person in the human experience has ever had.

They can provide hours upon hours of entertainment at a relatively low cost. I reload. It cost me approx. 40 cents per round to shoot my .308. Let's say I go out to the range for 2 hours, with unlimited cartridges and fire an average of a shot every three minutes for a total of 40 shots. Here is how that breaks down in cost:

40 x .40 = $16.00
16.00 / 120 = approx. $0.11 per minute

Now that is an ENTERTAINMENT VALUE right there.

That same person can provide food for the household.

Look, we all know that vegetarian is an ancient word for "poor hunter". Last season I was able to not only provide for my family, but had enough to give to my mother, my poor, pitiful, city-dwelling brother, and still have enough to donate 50 pounds to the local food bank. I also have a very cool set of moccasins that represent my first tanning experience.

Now the biggie: That same person can provide for the defense of home and hearth.

I am a veteran. A combat veteran. I have been shot at. I am quite allergic to it. Makes me sweat all over. I have seen firearm death, both accidental and intentional. Believe me when I say that it is not something I ever care to see again.

I am also a husband and a father-to-be. This places on me certain responsibilities that go beyond diaper duty (or should that be spelled "doody"), foot massages, holding a job, and cutting the grass. I am personally responsible for the safety and well-being of my family. This means, that yes, Mr. Goblin, if you decide that you want any of the cool little toys in my house, you will NOT get them. I will hold you at gunpoint while my wife calls the police. If you move before they get here, they will call the coroner while I am calling my attorney.

And there you are, why I buy, own, shoot, maintain, talk about, lust for, and yes, in a weird inanimate object sort of way, love firearms.

Here is why the posts have been slack


Been a while since I posted on this. Probably need to change that if I am ever going to make the big time huh?
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