Friday, December 22, 2006

What is a Conserv-eral?

It's my word...I'll define it, thank you very much. A conserv-eral is someone who is often mistaken for a Libertarian, you know the whole "Do all the drugs you want, but keep your hands off my money"* group. We are also mistaken for "moderates", the "We don't really have any balls or backbone, so we will just get along with everyone" group.

We are neither.

At least I'm not.

A Conserv-eral, to me at least, has the following defining characteristics.

1. A strong belief in the US Constitution. Especially the Bill of Rights(more on this to follow).
2. A belief in individual responsibility.
3. The belief that contrary to popular, or seemingly popular opinions, America is not the worst thing since E.Coli.
4. A willingness to accept people for who they are. Not who you think they should be.
5. Enough common sense to see that "summthin ain't right" in the way this country is being handled by the current crop of so-called civil servants.


*Thank you Tim Wilson
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